Women have been gathering together in circles since the beginning of time, to support, nourish and nurture each other. Once a month we gather as a small group of women for a New Moon Circle. We use our women’s circle as a time to strengthen our emotional reserves, draw on the well of our pooled wisdom and create focus and intention for the new things we want to bring into our life. It’s the time to tend to our spiritual garden, to reconnect, nurture, and nourish ourselves.
After each women’s’ circle we emerge feeling energised, uplifted, supported and inspired. Feeling more calm and confident we are ready to live as our true self and make a difference to the world.
How can you benefit from participating in a women’s circle ?
When we feel heard, we feel loved and validated. When we feel we have been heard, our body and central nervous system releases feel-good chemicals called “serotonin” and “dopamine” which help us to feel relaxed, positive and loved. In our women’s circle we begin with a “check-in” where each woman gets 10 minutes to be fully heard by the group. This time can be used to talk about how she is feeling in the present moment, discuss any recent challenges, share successes or anything else on her mind. As a sign of respect, we give our full and uninterrupted attention to each woman who is talking. It’s a very affirming and positive experience that leaves you feeling loved and accepted without fear of judgement or criticism. Practicing the art of deeply listening gives everyone the chance to tap into our empathy and patience, keeping us present in the moment without thinking about how we will respond.
You'll be seen as your unique and true self. Being in the company of other wonderful women is comforting and inspiring. Every woman is unique, gifted and talented in her own way. As a group of women we come together to draw on our pooled wisdom of experiences and education. Being in the company of such women brings out the best qualities in each person so that she can unreservedly shine, whether she initially sees this in herself or not. Despite what we may see or feel to be our imperfections, we are accepted just as we are, connecting with our true self and honouring our soul journey.
Sharing our challenges reminds us we are not alone. When we share our experiences we benefit from own insights and revelations as we become more adept at articulating our thoughts and feelings in the safety and company of other women. Shared experiences help to remove the barriers we tend to put up when there are challenges in life, leading us to believe we are without choice or the resources to create movement and change. We all have moments when we hit a bump in the road, which may affect our self-esteem and our ability to see and think clearly. It can cause disruption to our health, our relationships, work, family and our finances.
As we journey together, the support and shared insights we can offer one another can help us to get back on track and see new perspectives that were not previously in our line of sight. With love and support it is easier to see the light at the end of the road, and that difficult times will surely pass.
When we combine our intentions with others, the results are powerful. The power of women coming together is maximised when we join our intentions to facilitate transformation and growth. Powerful breakthroughs are possible only when we take action to support change and growth. Using inspiring meditations to relieve stress and overwhelm, visualisations to manifest our dreams and goals, and exercises to facilitate our growth and understanding, we can create real change for the better. The loving energy of a group of women can amplify the healing and transformation beyond what is achieved with one individual.
There's a strong network to rely on whenever we need support. Our women’s circle is a foundation of support and inspiration we can all draw on at any time, not just once a month. Our lives are in constant change and so it’s a comfort to know at any time we can pick up the phone, send an email or reach out, knowing there is support and a common bond of love and acceptance. Compassionate listening, shared wisdom, skills & resources, and practical support is there when it’s needed. The women's circle is the sacred symbol of life, love and universal connection. Together we empower and inspire each other to reach our full potential and experience good health and happiness. As we allow ourselves to dive deep into the circle of trust, we can see more clearly the love and light in others, which is also a reflection of our true self. With compassion, patience and love, we can shine our inner light, which allows others to shine too.