Cards are read from top left to right, bottom left to right. Card 1. Woman Holding a Coin (42) - Energy Oracle cards This oracle message is asking you to be open to someone (or a woman) giving you helpful assistance and is connected to a woman of wealth or business. It comes at a time when you are attracting a successful endeavour regarding your finances or your health. This is a good omen and reflects your positive mindset regarding your desire and commitment to progress in your life healthily. Stay focused on your goals and be resourceful when learning how to improve your situation. Assistance may be wise advice to put you in ‘the know’ and provide you with a leg up for your situation. This person has experience and can be trusted for their knowledge or skill in this area. Card 2. Releasing (5) - Oracle of the Angels When we hold onto feelings of anger, hurt, jealousy and resentment, we allow their negative energy to build up inside us, ensuring the pain we experienced at some point in the past continues to cause suffering in the present moment. This oracle message signifies it’s time to release these feelings and be freed from the hurt you are inflicting upon yourself by not letting go. As you release all judgment and blame from the past, notice the ease with which you can now express your feelings more openly and honestly. Feel your lightness of being and your ability to fill your cup healthily. From a neutral position of no attachment to what was, you are free to live in your true essence. Card 3. Clean it up (21) - Wisdom of the Oracle This message is about the need to free yourself from a burden or let go of what is no longer needed. When we are bogged down with emotional gunk, it’s more difficult to think clearly. Whether it’s physical clutter, too much work, overwhelm or unresolved resentment, every unnecessary thing or negative thought takes up energetic space and can weigh you down. It’s time to free yourself energetically and make room for the miracles that are lining up for you. In relationships, it’s time to clear the air. Be clear on your own baggage and let go what is not yours. As you become unencumbered, your relationship with yourself and others will flourish. In prosperity - do the admin and get organised. At the same time, make time for yourself. It’s about tying up loose ends and then, creating balance for your time and energy. It’s okay to say no to what is not a priority or drains you of your energy. Card 4. Fated Meeting (7) - The Akashic Tarot It’s all about Divine timing! You are coming to a very important relationship in your life - either entirely new or an existing relationship that is being lifted to a much higher experience. Karma from past lives may have brought you together, so it’s important for both of you to stay alert. Keep your individual and collective growth a priority, and act with humility and respect for the other’s opinions, showing compassion to yourselves and each other. This oracle is also about a fated meeting about a work situation, a creative project or an important purpose you hold. It may involve a past life publisher, spiritual teacher, brother or sister. This is a powerful omen, so get ready. Be prepared! Card 5. The Chariot (7) - Archangel Power Tarot Card This message is an indication of great determination and willpower. Even though you may feel uncertain of your current situation, there is no need for fear. Archangel Metatron is confirming you have what it takes to step out of your comfort zone and forge ahead with joy and confidence. An opportunity is coming for you to make significant progress. You will need to remain balanced to exercise self-control and focus on your priorities. In time you will be publicly recognised for your success. This oracle is an indication of your career advancement, diligence and the need for calm control when balancing a full agenda. Card 6. Wisdom (22) - Queen of the Moon Oracle Wisdom is more than just gathering information. There may be something at this time that you are not seeing or that you need to research more thoroughly. Be patient with the process as it takes time to gather wisdom. You can learn from your experience, and you can also ask the opinion of a mentor if you are not certain of something. It is often said we have an innate reasoning system - our intuition allows us to receive answers or information without conscious thinking. It’s insight we receive from the Divine (the universe, or collective consciousness) that enables us to discern what we know from past experiences, sharpen our senses, and trust our inner knowing. Use your intuition and also learn from the wisdom of others. It’s important not to cut corners due to impatience, and to acknowledge the role of your own poor-decision making. It is helpful to gather wise people around you, whether it’s a mentor or a friend, who can save you from any possible poor decisions, and show you a better way forward. My friends, you may have felt somewhat stuck in recent weeks, but the energies are shifting astrologically, which means it's important to focus on your progress and where you are going, rather than the past. If you would like a Personal Card Reading with me for further clarity on your situation, please reach out. You can choose your preferred reading here, or click the button below. Blessings, Rebecca
My dear friends,
As a professional Tarot and Oracle Card Reader, I offer these general card readings to assist you in your daily lives. They are channelled messages from the Divine, to support you with messages of love and wisdom for you to reflect upon, and apply at your own discretion. The readings provided are 'general' in nature and therefore they cannot resonate with every individual. Tarot and Oracle card readings are not to be used as a replacement for professional guidance for your health, relationships or your financial circumstances. Please use these readings at your own discretion. We are all sovereign beings, free to make our own choices and therefore responsible for the outcomes we receive. With that being said, your Spirit Guides, Angels and loved ones on the other side, can offer you Divine guidance that may assist you in understanding your current circumstances and the opportunities for you to learn and evolve. If you would like a personal reading, please reach out and let me know. Alternatively, you may like to review my Spiritual Card Reading services and packages here. For a deeper conversation, you are welcome to book a FREE Clarity Session to see if I can assist you further through Spiritually Guided Coaching sessions. Love and blessings, Rebecca x 1. Queen of the Moon Oracle: Assessing
When we are in a storm, we can either fight its inner and outer forces, or we can surrender and be in the flow of the storm. This is an opportunity for you to let go and observe. If you are feeling exhausted, confused or triggered, now is the time to pause and take a moment to notice any repeating patterns for yourself. Where have you reverted to previous insecurities or past wounds? There is a reason they are resurfacing: to show you something unresolved or not yet understood. Have compassion for yourself and listen more deeply to your soul. If we listen to our fears, we risk repeating old cycles. However, healing and growth are possible if we seek to understand what we need to learn. This is a time for reflection and remembering your wiser self and what you have accomplished. The answers lie within you. 2. The Wisdom of the Oracle - The Grail Knight The Grail Knight is on a mission and he represents the coming together of all elements to form a perfect life through a union of heaven and earth. It signifies a romantic union. The strength of this relationship encompasses the discovery of love in the treasures of the other, whilst also holding up a mirror where beauty and perfection are reflected. It’s a time of seeing love and beauty in another (or in your world), and it’s also time to see this in yourself. Remember, the mirror will reflect both beauty and illusion, light and shadow. In this time of reflection, be willing to see both elements in you and ask for honesty. 3. The Akashic Tarot - 8 of Forces - The Lightning Bolt Indeed this is a strong message, and in the storm there is a sudden flash of light and soul awakening from this lightning bolt. What has been brought to your attention? There has been a deep awakening within you that has shaken you to your core. A situation has caught your attention and revealed something that feels uncomfortable, however there is a benefit coming. What energy is being stirred within you? How do you want to direct this energy in your life? 4. Whispers of Love - Choose Love We always have a choice, make yours with love. When we choose love, negative feelings have no place in our hearts. Telling and retelling a negative situation will not heal it. Surround the situation in love. Choose to see your responsibility and focus on love. This card relates to your perception of your world. Do you blame your environment or others for what is going on in your life? Now is a good time to consider your beliefs and your life experiences. Regardless of what has or will go on in your life, you always have a choice. It may not be easy, but choosing to love and be loving is your best option. You are in control of how you feel. If you wish, you can reframe your thoughts to find love in all situations. 5. Oracle of the Angels - Angel Whispers In our everyday lives, we are constantly exposed to different messages that are competing to be heard by us. Rather than plug into the overwhelming fear-based messages we receive from society or mass consciousness, use your awareness to ‘hear’ messages of a higher vibration. Listen to the whispers of the angels inside your heart. Ask your angels to help you hear the whisperings of the universe so that you can live with greater understanding and purpose. The universe is full of timeless wisdom. Choose love. 6. Lightworker Oracle - Key of Light You are being given the Key of Light, to open any door and clear away any obstruction. You have the power to free yourself from any perceived prison, physical, emotional or psychological. You can free yourself, no matter whether it seems that another person, situation, or the world holds more power over you. Your power of freedom is unconditional. It doesn’t require outer circumstances to change for you to be free, though as you choose freedom, outer circumstances often change radically. For now, use the Key of Light and stay true to what you know for yourself. Do not cave in to naysayers and fear generators; most especially do not collapse under your old fears or doubts. Step back and radiate love from your centre. Trust in your ability to stand strong and to triumph. You are the key to success! You must believe in yourself. Refuse to give up on your dreams. In perfect time, all doors will be open to you. 7. Wisdom of the Oracle - Exchanging Gifts You are entering a productive and enriching time when opportunities are being offered to you. Yet, to receive these, you must put in the time, exchange your experience and skills, and commit your heart and soul to what you’re choosing to pursue. You can do it! You must engage in a dance of give and take, doing and being. Use your currency wisely and be mindful of the value others bring to your life. In relationships, love grows exponentially when it is reciprocated. You must give and receive for love to flourish and abundance to flow between you. Open your heart and allow it to be filled. In prosperity - your commitment to learning, creating and spending your time wisely, pays off in ways you may not have been anticipating. Everything is an exchange. Keep doing what you’re doing. Goodwill comes back tenfold. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you would like a personal reading for your particular circumstances, please reach out and let me know. Alternatively, click here to see my schedule. Love and blessings, Rebecca x e: [email protected] |
Rebecca GabrielleMy dear friends, as a professional Tarot and Oracle Card Reader, I offer these general card readings to assist you in your daily lives. They are channelled messages from the Divine, to support you with messages of love and wisdom for you to reflect upon, and apply at your own discretion. The readings provided are 'general' in nature and therefore they cannot resonate with every individual. ArchivesCategories |