When it feels as though we’ve tried everything and it’s still not working we may be tempted togive up. Take heart, you may benefit from taking a different approach. Done this ?? Still not working??!! Setting SMART goals is a methodical approach to achieving our dreams. We create timed action steps, we measure the results, and then we change what’s not working. It makes good sense. Feedback if we are improving or not, or if we are moving towards our goals, is important. However it is not the only measure of success or fulfilment in our business, relationships, finance, home life or health. Success and fulfilment require a holistic approach - a balance of energy and focus of: - the mind (mental, logical), - the body (physical / actions / environment) , and - the spirit (our beliefs, co-creating with the Divine, and our soul purpose). Physical: You’ve noticed that what you’ve been doing is not working. You know it’s time to do something different. It’s the same as recognising you’ve been going down the wrong path! Our ability to hit the mark or achieve our goals or our dreams is greatly influenced by our purpose, our energy and our intentions.
Spirit: What is your real reason for doing what you are doing - your ‘why’, your purpose? Are your actions aligned with your values, or are you doing it because - other people told you this is what you should do? Do you truly love what you do? Does it inspire you? Is your motivation because you believe in what you are doing? Or are you driven to seek approval and recognition from others? Mental: What is your attitude? Do you feel positive or negative about your efforts and what you are doing? What are you telling yourself? Do you believe in yourself and your ability, or are you secretly telling yourself you are not good enough, or that it will never happen, it won’t work no matter how hard you try? If we are driven to achieve because of -
What we believe creates a certain energy and vibration which becomes the message we give others and the Universe. Our energy will attract similar energy and therefore similar results. We also need to check if we are supporting ourself so we have a greater chance of success. Are you currently in a negative or toxic environment? Are you surrounded by nay-sayers or are you hanging out with your supportive tribe? Your focus: Are you swimming upstream, or climbing the wrong mountain to seek fulfilment or success when what you need is actually in front of you or within you? Could it be that you have not realised you have the skills, talents, resources, support etc within you already, but you have been focused on seeking it from others or some place else? Success towards our dreams, our goals, or even making improvement in our life is more than just being fixated on a goal, measuring our progress and taking a logical approach. It requires heart, soul, and purpose - and belief in yourself. So, take a different approach.
There are many reasons as to why you may feel as though you are not making progress, so taking a more holistic approach may serve you better. Other things to consider:
Namaste🙏 “The Power of Soul Loving” Rebecca Gabrielle (Balboa Press, 2019) www.thepowerofsoulloving.com #success #fulfilment #progress #achievement #perspective #outcomes #performance #alternatives #mindbodyspirit #holistic #balance #purpose #balboapress #rebeccagabrielle444 #thepowerofsoulloving
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October 2024
AuthorRebecca Gabrielle, author of "The Power of Soul Loving - a spiritual guide to love and freedom". Rebecca Gabrielle has been able to see the magnificence and truth of people’s souls from an early age. With a background in psychology, counselling, life-coaching, spiritual development, and energy healing, Rebecca has fine-tuned her psychic and intuitive skills to connect with the Divine to receive and deliver messages of unconditional love. Through her writing, soul-coaching and card readings she assists people to reconnect with their true self so they can experience clarity, peace of mind, joy and passion for doing what they love. |