At times our circumstances may bring us to the realisation that life is too precious to waste time putting energy where it doesn’t serve or nourish us. Making a change in life means not only talking about it, but actually doing something about it. So why don’t we put energy into doing what makes our heart sing? Why do we have a belief that its not okay to be happy? If you believed in your own happiness, would you do more of what makes your heart sing? There is a difference between knowing your soul-path and walking your soul-path in life. We can invest a lot of energy into thinking and knowing things about ourself, but nothing changes until we actively and consciously do something about it. When we are doing what we most love, we are able to make better choices in life because we are less stressed, and we can think and see more clearly the options available, and what is good for us.
We create health and abundance in life when we do what we love Doing what we love activates the feel-good hormones in our body - dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, oestrogen, progesterone. This means we can experience feeling good both physically, mentally and emotionally when we are doing what we love and being our authentic self. Do you know that when we engage in doing something creative and using our imagination, we naturally relax? When I become absorbed in my ‘happy place’ of doing what I love, I see more beauty and abundance in life. I notice details in my surroundings and in people that were previously invisible to me. I am more appreciative for what I have, rather than worried about what I believe I don’t have. Friendships are more cherished, and everyday experiences are enjoyed rather than taken for granted. As my mind settles into peace and calm, stress leaves my mind and my body. Motivation and inspiration return fuelling my sense of purpose and mission. I feel a zest for life and gratitude for who I am. Rather than making life happen, I allow my inner light to shine, and I am able to focus on being ‘me’. When we ‘still’ the noisy mind we hear the answer from within. If you have trouble finding the real you inside so that you can do what you love, it may be because your chatterbox mind is ruling the show. If that’s the case, it’s time to let go. Let go of the rules and restrictions you put on yourself and you will find that your Higher Self will step forward. You will hear your inner voice speak the truth of your Soul to you. Many of us are not accustomed to letting go of the need to figure everything out. It’s a bit like an addiction to the need to constantly think or reason our way through life, and get those answers we believe will give us certainty. The truth is, there is no certainty in life, so we may as well enjoy what we are doing. We become so focused on problem solving that we lose touch with what most inspires us. We all have the answers inside. No one else knows you better than yourself. All you need to do is trust yourself. Don’t be afraid of being the real you. It’s your life, so make it count and do what you love. Be purposeful and enjoy your life. When we listen to our heart and soul, and do more of what we truly love, we focus less on the past or what could be in the future, and we can live in the now, which is really all we have. It’s in this space we can be our true self. When we are doing what we love, there is no effort or resistance, there is joy. Are you being your true self and doing what you love in life? If not, what can you do, think or believe differently so that your life is lived with a bit more spice and as the real you? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rebecca Gabrielle Spiritual Life Coach and Author of - "The Power of Soul Loving - A Spiritual Guide to Love and Freedom" (Balboa Press, 2019, Chapter 8)
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October 2024
AuthorRebecca Gabrielle, author of "The Power of Soul Loving - a spiritual guide to love and freedom". Rebecca Gabrielle has been able to see the magnificence and truth of people’s souls from an early age. With a background in psychology, counselling, life-coaching, spiritual development, and energy healing, Rebecca has fine-tuned her psychic and intuitive skills to connect with the Divine to receive and deliver messages of unconditional love. Through her writing, soul-coaching and card readings she assists people to reconnect with their true self so they can experience clarity, peace of mind, joy and passion for doing what they love. |