It's when we feel stuck and it feels as though we can no longer see the trees from the forest, believing there are no more viable options, that the pain of our inner discomfort and mental anguish can take us to the brink of 'sink' or 'swim'. At this point we realise, enough is enough. Now is the time to take action, even if that is to ask the question, what next? One of the most important lessons I have learned is looking at life through a different lens to what I have always been accustomed to doing. It’s difficult to change what is well embedded and familiar. Often, we are conditioned from an early age to think, feel and see our world in a particular way. Our upbringing and our environment can have a significant influence in shaping our perspective and the way we see and interpret people, places and events. Our perception of life is truly a gift to ourself. Our reality, our experience of life, is how we think about it. Two people can be in the same scene, experiencing the same event, and have a completely different perspective, with different interpretations of what is taking place. With different perspectives, and alternative meanings, it can either open or close doors to new possibilities and opportunities. It all depends on how we choose to see and experience our world. Do we see a greater vision with fresh opportunities for growth, expansion and learning? Or do we see only obstacles that limit our options? Your perception on life is a gift to yourself ~ Linda Thompson
My mid-life transformation tested my resolve and provided countless opportunities for me to reshape my thinking. There were days when I felt very low in energy, and my perspective on life was very dismal. I found it difficult to see my way out of the drudgery and the problems I was experiencing. My mind played havoc with me and presented only problems and ‘what-if scenarios’ that just seemed to loom bigger and bigger as the day passed by. The more I tossed around the dilemmas in my mind, the more I seemed to be chasing my tail and getting no-where. Admittedly, we can all experience this kind of ‘mouse wheel’ thinking any time in life. Have you noticed when you are feeling low, your day seems to attract more of the same low vibrational energy? Obstacles and resistance to flow seem to follow one event after the other. At the same time, this low vibration tends to attract other people with the same mindset and attitude, compounding your negative experience. When we notice we are caught in a loop of negativity and limited thinking, it’s important to find a way to shift the energy and raise the vibration in order to return to flow and harmony. How we think, believe and respond to our circumstances is all about our attitude and our perspective of our current reality, as well as how we choose to interpret our past and present situations. During my own personal challenges, I have many times been overly focused on what wasn’t working for me or what I perceived to be a negative situation. The more I stayed stuck in this energy, worrying about my circumstances that had either passed or not yet happened, the more difficult it was to see the blessings or the possibilities from a positive viewpoint. This energy can become addictive and repel opportunities to manifest abundance in our life. Developing a possibility mindset may require some practice if we have conditioned ourself to respond to our circumstances in a way that is either limiting or self-sabotaging. We may need to develop the muscle of patience (temperance) as well as trust, and practise new ways of thinking and believing. A persistently negative mindset is illustrative of well-conditioned neural pathways in our brain, highways of thought that we have used so regularly that our mind continues to travel down that road each time we are presented with a new thought or idea. Research has shown that our brains are highly flexible and adaptable, and we can change our neural pathways to develop new ways of thinking. Bruce Lipton’s book “The Biology of Belief” (2015) and Dr Joe Dispenza’s book “Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One” (2013) are excellent resources on this topic. There are many suggestions for how we can change the way we think and believe, however it ultimately depends on our decision and choice to change, to desire more. Yes, it means we require patience, perseverance, and trust in ourself that we can do this, and a great life is possible. However, we also need the desire to change our old ways of thinking. When inspiration and motivation come from a place of conviction, from our heart and soul, and not just the mind, then change in the way we see ourself and life then becomes sustainable. After so many years of pain and feeling lack within my heart and soul, transformation was more than just shifting my perspectives. Unless I love myself enough to want to experience greater love and a better quality of life, no amount of strategies and tactics will last the distance. I had a choice to either sink or swim. I could continue to see myself as a victim of my circumstances or believe that I am the creator and author of my own life. How big can I dream? It will always be up to me. No-one else can write the script to my life except me. My good friend would often remind me – Be the author of your life, the star of your movie. He was right. It took practice for me to shift my perspective and to look at the possibilities. The ego, that part of your mind that consistently reminds you of how you are no good and that life will continue to find ways to trip you up, will work hard against you, and is driven by fear and the need to survive. It is our higher-self that lifts us up to ‘possibility thinking’ and allows us to see beyond our belief systems and limitations. Each time I give myself permission to believe what is possible, I find myself tapping into the realm of creativity. No matter our passion in life, we are all born with the ability to be creative. It’s part of our human nature, since we are in essence, creating and creation all the time. Being creative is ‘day-dreaming’ of the possibilities. Young children are fabulous at doing this with ease. They have no filters or belief systems that tell them that they ‘can’t do something’ or that ‘it serves no purpose’. Day-dreaming or imagining is a wonderful way of stretching the muscle of possibility-thinking. When you have lived your life focussed on what you believe won’t work, it comes from a lack of belief and self-love, and not from an understanding that all is possible when we see through eyes of love. Our dreams and a life of peace within is possible when we recognise our unlimited Divine potential, when we know that our soul-being is capable of living, loving and seeing beyond our limited thinking, to what is Divinely possible. There are no tricks that we need to employ to convince our mind to think differently. However, if we open our heart to receive, and tap into what our Soul knows, we can open ourselves to creativity and possibilities. We can open doors that seemed tightly closed or not even in existence. When I am playing with possibilities, my day flows with ease, and I recognise how the Universe is working with me to resolve issues, complete projects or bring good energy and people into my life. As the saying goes – like attracts like. The opposite energy is 'resistance', and this will always hold us back from living our life to its fullest potential. The Law of Attraction is based on the principle that our focus, energy and the perspectives we adopt, will attract more of the same into our experiences. It seems to be a conditioned habit of people to focus on what is not working, or what they don’t want more of in life. What we don’t realise is that the more attention we give something (a thought, situation or people), we will experience more of this. Our attention and focus is what creates our reality. So, it makes sense to focus on what we really want to feel and experience in our life. Believing in what is possible is trusting that we can manifest (draw closer) from the Universe what is available to us. When I feel gratitude in my life, I always experience more joy, peace and inspiration. This opens my heart to greater self-love and seeing Divine Love and possibilities in others. Life is creation and we are always creating. All is possible when we believe. What’s important is to avoid allowing our mind (or ego-self) to tell us otherwise or restrict how things are brought into manifestation. It’s our energy (our level of vibration) that makes our experience of life possible, whether that is an awesome experience of unlimited possibilities and great love, or whether it is a life of restriction and restraint. It’s human nature to doubt what we hope is possible, until we experience the evidence for ourself. Some of us like to have the evidence or the proof that something works before we are willing to invest our time, energy or reputation. We are also very prone to forgetting, and to falling back into the same patterns of believing, thinking, speaking and behaving as we have always done. So much of our spiritual growth and maturity is centred around our willingness to trust and listen to our inner voice. It is our logical mind that prefers to hold on to what is familiar, to focus only on evidence-based thinking and to resist the possibilities of thinking, believing and doing differently in life. This type of approach to our life means our reality is limited to what we currently know, rather than being open to expansive thinking and increased awareness of other possibilities. Choosing how we want to think and believe is how we create the life we want to live. Elon Musk succinctly puts it when he says "If you get up in the morning and think the future is going to be better, it is a bright day. Otherwise, it's not.". ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Excerpt from "The Power of Soul Loving - A Spiritual Guide to Love and Freedom" (Rebecca Gabrielle, Balboa Press, 2019, Ch 8) Photo by Adam Bayer from Pexels #possibilities #positivemindset #perspectives #choice #selfvalue #selflove #keepgoing
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October 2024
AuthorRebecca Gabrielle, author of "The Power of Soul Loving - a spiritual guide to love and freedom". Rebecca Gabrielle has been able to see the magnificence and truth of people’s souls from an early age. With a background in psychology, counselling, life-coaching, spiritual development, and energy healing, Rebecca has fine-tuned her psychic and intuitive skills to connect with the Divine to receive and deliver messages of unconditional love. Through her writing, soul-coaching and card readings she assists people to reconnect with their true self so they can experience clarity, peace of mind, joy and passion for doing what they love. |