I have often wondered if it was ever possible to escape the perpetual rut I found myself in, never feeling like I was getting ahead. I asked myself daily, is a great life possible or is this as good as it gets for me? One of the most important lessons I have learned about myself, is that the quality and meaning of my life is a direct result of the lens through which I see my world. I have heard this piece of wisdom many times before and often wondered what it really meant and how it could apply to my life or make a difference to me.
It’s difficult to change what is well embedded and familiar. Often, we are conditioned from an early age to think, feel and see our world in a particular way. Our upbringing and our environment can have a significant influence in shaping our perspective and the way we see and interpret people, places and events. I was reminded recently that our perception on life is a gift to our self. Our reality, our experience of life, is how we think about it. Two people can be in the same scene, experiencing the same event and yet have a completely different interpretation of what is taking place. With different perspectives and alternative meanings, it can either open or close doors to new possibilities and opportunities. It all depends on how we choose to see and experience our world. Do we see a greater vision with fresh opportunities for growth, expansion and learning? Or do we see only obstacles that limit our options? Have you noticed when you are feeling low, your day seems to attract more of the same low vibrational energy? Obstacles, ongoing challenges, and resistance to flow seem to follow one event after the other. At the same time, this low vibration tends to attract other people with the same mindset and attitude, compounding the negative experiences. Negative people attract other negative people and situations. High vibrational energy, founded on the belief of what is possible in life, attracts opportunities for expansion and growth. Positive people exude positive high vibrational energy, and this attracts other like-minded people and circumstances who resonate with the same energy. When we're caught in a loop of negativity and limited thinking, it’s important to find a way to shift the energy and raise the vibration so we can restore flow and harmony. How we think, believe and respond to our circumstances is all about our attitude and our perspective of our current reality, as well as how we choose to interpret our past and present circumstances. Staying focused on what’s not working in our life keeps us stuck, as we incessantly worry about what has happened or is yet to occur. Living with this mindset and energy day in and day out can become addictive, and as a result our energy repels opportunities to manifest abundance in our life. Developing a ‘possibility’ mindset requires practice when we have conditioned ourself to respond to our circumstances in a way that’s limiting or self-sabotaging. A persistently negative mindset is illustrative of well-conditioned neural pathways in our brain, highways of thought that we have used so regularly that our mind continues to travel down the same road each time we have a new thought or idea. Research has shown that our brains are highly flexible and adaptable, and we can change our neural pathways to develop new ways of thinking. Bruce Lipton’s book “The Biology of Belief” (2015) and Dr Joe Dispenza’s book “Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One” (2013) are excellent resources on this topic. There are many suggestions for how we can change the way we think and believe, however it ultimately depends on our decision and choice to change, the desire for abundance and fulfilment in life that can only be the result of ‘possibility thinking’. Yes, it means we require patience, perseverance, and trust in ourself that we can do this. It means changing our old ways of thinking, and letting go what is not serving us in our life. When inspiration and motivation come from a place of conviction, from our heart and soul, as well as through conscious and purposeful thinking, then change in the way we see ourself becomes possible and sustainable. Unless we love ourself enough to want to experience a better quality of life, no amount of strategies and tactics will go the distance for sustainable and abundant living. We have a choice to sink or swim - to create a life of possibilities or a life of perceived obstacles. We can continue to see ourself as a victim of our circumstances, or believe that we are the creator and author of our life. Do you choose to believe in yourself? Do you choose to live an abundant life? How big can you dream? It’s up to you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ By Rebecca Gabrielle "The Power of Soul Loving - A Spiritual Guide to Love and Freedom" (Chapter 8 - The Shift Towards Love, p107. Balboa Press, 2019) https://www.thepowerofsoulloving.com/
That was really a nice read and quite intersting one too. I like to read about such motivating stuff. I appreciate this article and have a question for you if you may like to reply: As you mentioned about "Conditioning" in your article. How can we get rid of our already conditioned mind?
That’s a great question.
Thanks a lot Rebecca, Leave a Reply. |
October 2024
AuthorRebecca Gabrielle, author of "The Power of Soul Loving - a spiritual guide to love and freedom". Rebecca Gabrielle has been able to see the magnificence and truth of people’s souls from an early age. With a background in psychology, counselling, life-coaching, spiritual development, and energy healing, Rebecca has fine-tuned her psychic and intuitive skills to connect with the Divine to receive and deliver messages of unconditional love. Through her writing, soul-coaching and card readings she assists people to reconnect with their true self so they can experience clarity, peace of mind, joy and passion for doing what they love. |