Sometimes it’s difficult to know the difference between our intuition and the thoughts that occupy our mind. In our busy lives it’s common to be preoccupied by our thoughts, as we focus on our mental list of ‘to-dos’ and the next problem to solve. We often think and rationalise our experiences from our mind, to give meaning to our life. It’s where we process, analyse and categorise information and form our beliefs. It’s how we make decisions to take action and move forward to achieve our goals and dreams. But Is this the best way to make decisions in our life? In any given day we are capable of having an average of 60,000 thoughts per day. Our mind is where we store recurring thoughts that make up our belief system about who we are, other people and the world we live in. Our belief system is what drives our behaviour and influences our choices and decisions that create our reality. The power of the mind is so great that it can enable us to dream big, take risks and achieve what may seem impossible. However, the mind also has the power to dis-able us and create a reality that will have us believe we are limited and that our world is one in which we must survive in order to live. When we allow the mind to control our emotions, our thoughts and our decision-making, we are not accessing our full potential. Habitually responding to our experiences from the perspective of our mind can lead to over-thinking and over-analysing. The mind likes to question what we are sensing (feeling, seeing, hearing), and this can open the door to our ego, which we recognise as doubt and fear.
The purpose of the ego is to selfishly protect us and ensure our survival. Operating from a survival mentality means our choices become more focused on what we 'think' we need in the moment (such as food, water, money, sex, material things, power and control). As a result, we may lean towards justifying what we want in order to satisfy the mind, rather than trust our intuition for what is best for our wellbeing. When we only listen to our mind, our ego can lead us down a path that distracts us from heeding the guidance of our higher-self, and the soul-lessons and opportunities that are available for our personal growth. When our thoughts are more focused on our survival, and competing with others for our needs, this can lead to feelings of desperation and separation. Very soon we can find ourself back in a pool of confusion, fear and doubt. If you are constantly caught in a cycle of looping thoughts, it's likely the ego has taken front of stage and has left you focusing on what you perceive as obstacles rather than opportunities in your situation. The ego can only access information it has already received, what it knows from past experiences, and what it perceives as your reality. It seeks to protect you, and give you reason to avoid moving away from your comfort zone and what is familiar. Our intuition is our ability to tune into our higher-self where we can access extrasensory perception, as well as wisdom learned from previous life lessons. For those who are more psychically attuned their intuition can be a communication channel for spiritual guidance and remembering soul-lessons. When we access our intuition as a source of information, we can benefit by being the observer of our life to identify other possibilities for manifesting positive outcomes that support our growth, as well as our physical and emotional wellbeing. When we access previously gained information from the recesses of our memory, we tend to trust this source as being reliable. When we access information gained through our intuition, it also requires an element of trust in our 'other' senses, not just the physical and tangible reality. The effective use of the mind and our intuition requires practice and development, just like developing our physical and emotional strength. I’ve often been asked, ‘How do I know when I'm accessing my intuition or if it's just the way I'm thinking about something?' It's a good question and not always easy to distinguish between the two. With practice it's possible to discern the difference between the guidance of our intuition, the logical processing of our thoughts, and the fear that comes from our ego-centric mind. Our intuition is recognisable as our inner voice, the sense or deeper knowing that feels certain even when we don’t have all the facts. When there is a sense of peace around the situation or the inner message we are receiving, this is likely our intuition guiding us. There is no confusion, or unsettled feeling, only clear-knowing (claircognizance) about what is being sensed or intuited. It's helpful to know that our body is also a good source of feedback that can confirm what we are intuiting. When we feel calm and a sense of ease in our body, even in the absence of tangible information. it's a good sign that we feel in alignment with the situation. If we experience tension or a general feeling of dis-ease, then we may be sensing some element of danger, or mal-alignment with what feels safe and trustworthy. If we have been in the habit of ignoring our intuition and guidance over a long period of time, our body will convert this resistance into blocked mental and emotional energy that will often manifest as physical illness and/or a pre-disposition for injuries to occur. Author Louise Hay wrote extensively on this subject in her book called "Heal Your Body". Anodea Judith, author of "Wheels of Life" wrote about the effects of blocked energy in our body. Do you recall moments in your life when you have a niggling feeling about something, and you sense you shouldn't proceed? This inner nudge is your intuition (or higher-self) calling for your attention. When we choose to ignore our intuition in favour of satisfying our immediate desire, whether it's because of fear or self-protection, it can often lead to an undesirable outcome that does not serve our long-term wellbeing. We have all done this many times and most of us can recall feeling disappointed in ourself for not paying attention to our inner voice. In the moment of deliberation over whether we listen to our fear, or we rely only on our logical analysis of the situation, it's probably wise to pause and reflect before taking action. Ask yourself, how do I feel about this? Are you feeling unsettled or do you have a sense of peace around the situation? Do the options before you match your values and your long term goals? Step away from what appears obvious and logical, and test your inner guidance system to see how you are feeling and what you are sensing. We are more likely to get the best outcome when we combine the use of our logic with our intuition. The key is to trust and listen to your inner guidance (your gut instincts) and know that it is there to help you. The more you develop the habit of trusting that initial feeling, you will become more skilled at discerning what feels in alignment with your best interests, your personal values and boundaries and what you are prepared to commit to. The more often you listen to your intuition in the first instance, the less likely you will waste time and precious energy recovering from a poor decision. When we combine our ability to rationalise and interpret our experiences from the power of our mind, with our intuitive ability to tune into our higher-self, and the wisdom of the Divine, we can be even more powerful in our decision-making and manifesting our dreams and goals in life. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “The Power of Soul Loving - A Spiritual Guide to Love and Freedom” By Rebecca Gabrielle (Balboa Press, 2019, Ch 17) For more information on the following:
#intuition #themind #rationalising #ego #soulliving #choices #makingdecisions #thepowerofsoulloving #livingwithspice Photo by David Cassolato from Pexels
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October 2024
AuthorRebecca Gabrielle, author of "The Power of Soul Loving - a spiritual guide to love and freedom". Rebecca Gabrielle has been able to see the magnificence and truth of people’s souls from an early age. With a background in psychology, counselling, life-coaching, spiritual development, and energy healing, Rebecca has fine-tuned her psychic and intuitive skills to connect with the Divine to receive and deliver messages of unconditional love. Through her writing, soul-coaching and card readings she assists people to reconnect with their true self so they can experience clarity, peace of mind, joy and passion for doing what they love. |