Mandala Healing Oracle - by Denise Jarvie. Artwork by Lindy Longhurst Does the same thing keep happening in your life? We are creatures of habit, so we may notice recurring patterns in our lives, those familiar thoughts and beliefs that play out in our daily way of living. When those patterns don’t match our values or are not our truth, they will attract negative situations. We know we are repeating patterns when we hear ourselves say ‘“That always happens”, “Why does that always happen to me?” or “I don’t understand why that thing happened again”. Once a pattern is acknowledged and understood, it will transform; however, until then it will continue to repeat. How do we get rid of that feeling we're going around the mountain again and again? There are patterns all around us. They could be cycles of similar experiences, patterns which look like our daily routines, patterns of how we respond to situations that occur, or patterns in the way we learn, express or action things. Some patterns in our life can be useful. They're the habits that help us to consistently stay focused on what is good for us and promotes our growth until they outlive their relevance and effectiveness.
However, we often unconsciously repeat patterns of thinking and behaving that keep us stuck, or give us that feeling of constantly going around the mountain, instead of elevating to higher levels of learning, progress and self-improvement. Our life is experienced through the filter of our values and our beliefs. In other words, what we consistently do in our lives is a reflection of what we value and what we believe. Our values are not our personal 'wish list' of what we want or who we want to become. Sometimes we must recognise we aren’t ready to change or let go, even when we know a situation has outlived its usefulness. We may value procrastination, unhealthy living, people-pleasing, or seeking approval. What we do in our life will give us evidence of this. To evolve we must be aware of our patterns. Ask yourself whether your patterns of thinking, saying, feeling and doing are keeping you stuck in a cycle that's no longer helping you to grow. Is what you're consistently doing giving you evidence that you're plateauing or evolving in your life? The seasons of life - spring, summer, autumn, winter, are cycles that help a tree to grow. This is what our patterns of behaviour also do for us. Some patterns help us for a while, then we know we need to change so we can evolve to the next level of understanding, wisdom and development. What's important is that you get to decide what to do, whether you'll stay the same, or if you're prepared to change the current pattern to create a new level of experience. The choice is yours. To shift from your current patterns, and move towards behaviours that will help you to evolve, begin by pausing to interrupt the cycle. We must value the benefits of pausing to become conscious of what we're experiencing and reflect on what we value most. When we pace ourselves we can be aware of the patterns we run and process where change needs to occur. Meditating, or being in solitude, is a way of calming the mind, body and spirit to be open to receiving insights that can help you see beyond recurring patterns. When I focus on what I value most in life, I use this as my mantra in my meditation. It helps me to redirect my thoughts, raise my vibration and focus on what is my truth and authentically ‘me’. You can also write or draw a situation or experience that has repeated in your life, and notice the patterns that occur in your thoughts, beliefs, what you say, and how you typically respond to challenging situations. What can you do differently today that can help you evolve to the next level of joy, abundance and progress in your life? ~~~~~~~~~~ If you would like to discover more, request my free eBook “Activating your Soul Power”. Go to #patternsofbehaviour #cycles #newfocus #evolution
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October 2024
AuthorRebecca Gabrielle, author of "The Power of Soul Loving - a spiritual guide to love and freedom". Rebecca Gabrielle has been able to see the magnificence and truth of people’s souls from an early age. With a background in psychology, counselling, life-coaching, spiritual development, and energy healing, Rebecca has fine-tuned her psychic and intuitive skills to connect with the Divine to receive and deliver messages of unconditional love. Through her writing, soul-coaching and card readings she assists people to reconnect with their true self so they can experience clarity, peace of mind, joy and passion for doing what they love. |