Have you ever felt like a fake? Or have you become accustomed to being the person you think others want you to be? What would happen if you made the decision to embrace your true essence? Living a life where we feel the need to change our true nature, adapt our preferences to the needs of others, or feel at the mercy of our desire to be approved of, can lead to a life of misery, stress and anxiety. The alternative means to live a life as our true and authentic self. But what if this becomes all too confronting, knowing that to actually express our truth, prioritise our wellbeing, and say 'no' to others could create some chaos, conflict and disapproval from others? ![]() Embracing our true essence means accepting all of who we are, including our past choices, our experiences, and what we perceive to be our strengths and our weaknesses. It's recognising we're spiritual beings, living a physical life, here to embrace our uniqueness, and our vulnerabilities. This may initially feel challenging to do, especially if it means facing our inner shadows, particularly those that we don't want to acknowledge or reveal. However, if we choose to avoid embracing our true self, we could miss the opportunity to see our own magnificence and to live as our true and authentic selves, spiritually evolving in this lifetime. Self-acceptance is what's needed to truly live as our authentic self. This means loving all of the elements that make up who we are, without reducing ourselves to a limited version defined by our beliefs and self-perceptions. It's having a deep love for our soul, knowing that our purpose in life is to live and learn, and this requires us to experience both the dark and the light aspects of ourselves and to seek a deeper understanding for what we attract into our life. Self-acceptance is not about judging ourselves, it's learning to see ourselves through eyes of love and compassion. As soul-beings we are constantly evolving and experiencing life lessons to spiritually grow. It can be easy to define ourselves by our past accomplishments or what we perceive to be our failings. However, we're not defined by our past choices, only by what we choose to do with these. Our experiences in life are a gift, because they serve as wonderful lessons to help us evolve. Embracing our true essence offers us the opportunity to see our magnificence, not in a glorified and illusionary way. It's seeing the beauty in our uniqueness, our gifts, and in our natural talents. It's giving ourselves the freedom to be who we need to be, on the path to our spiritual maturity. There will be times in our life when we go through storms that bring chaos and disturbance. These challenges, and the adversities we encounter, become the life lessons that bring us the clarity we need to help us to deepen our understanding of ourselves, and lead us to new levels of wisdom for our life. There's truth in the saying that in this physical plane, 'we're in the school of life', and that we are all a 'work-in-progress'. Our purpose in life is to know ourselves well and to live to our fullest potential. This means that on that path of spiritual growth, we accept there will be many times when we will 'miss the mark' in terms of our spiritual awareness, growth and spiritual evolution. We won't get it right every time, and we may make 'stuff-ups'. However along the way, our experiences and the results we get, can serve to help us through our personal and spiritual development. When we say 'yes' to embracing our true essence, we reflect an energetic vibration that lets the Universe know we love and value ourselves, and that we're open to raising the bar in our own spiritual evolution. Embracing our true essence is the route to experiencing self-love, and connecting with Divine love, especially when we choose to be accountable for our own thoughts and emotions. A life where we feel disconnected from our true essence, can feel like we're living as a 'fake' to the rest of the world. The persona we display to others doesn't reflect the person we feel or believe we are on the inside. A life like this can deteriorate to a world of inner pain and conflict, of poor self-esteem, resentment, disappointment, anxiety and despair. It can be exhausting to live this way, to live as a shadow of our magnificent potential. When we're not living our truth, or shining our true essence, we become a slave to the world around us, feeling disempowered and focused on pleasing others to feel a sense of personal value and worth. This becomes a self-sabotaging trap of expecting that our desire to feel loved and appreciated should be fulfilled by other people, places or things in our life. We may find ourselves longing to feel understood, accepted or approved by others, wondering why we feel a constant underlying level of dissatisfaction, resentment and a lack of personal worth. Over time, this perceived lack can create a life that is flatlining, dull and mediocre, where we believe we're not good enough and what we do in life never makes a difference. In this moment, we become the victim, believing that life is nothing more than a personal battleground where we constantly feel the pain and exhaustion of never healing from our self-inflicted wounds. When we condition ourself to believe we're not worthy, that we don't have enough or that we'll never be enough, it's easy to see ourself and the world as always being in a state of lack, and unsupportive of our needs. Holding onto these beliefs dulls our perception of our true self, and our natural ability to shine. Our mind and imagination is very powerful and it can either work to support us or drain us of vital life-force energy. As spiritual beings we are each gifted with natural strengths and abilities that make us unique. When we come to know and understand this about ourselves, we can recognise that living our best life is loving and accepting who we are. We can then get on with doing what we most love to do, and sharing our natural gifts and talents with others in service to humanity. The storms in life teach us important lessons about ourselves and where we need to grow and evolve. If we choose to submit to the adversities and accept a level of personal defeat, the Universe can only respond by matching this energy. However, the Divine encourages us to not give up on our dreams and to adopt a spirit of love and acceptance of our whole being. We can build personal resilience in life through self-love and by exercising the muscle of inner strength, courage and determination. It begins with cultivating self-respect and doing what we need to nourish our wellbeing, mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. This means to prioritise ourselves and commit to our wellbeing, rather than compromise on our health, our energy and our time. Certainly, changing our well ingrained behaviours takes some time and practice. We learn through repetition, practice and more practice. It also requires an understanding of our purpose in life, which becomes our inspirational drive for all that we do (more on this later). There will be times that we feel like we're going around the mountain, however if we commit to embracing our true essence and spiritually evolving, in time we will see our progress, and a life that is fulfilling, simply because now we're in alignment with our values and what brings us joy. The transformation we experience is not driven by a need to change who we are, as we're perfect already. However, we can seek to improve ourselves, choosing to do what we need to do to evolve and grow. Our soul growth becomes a reflection of our choices and where we choose to focus our thoughts, attention and actions. Embracing our true essence is not a journey of seeking more love from outside of ourselves; in other people, in our jobs, from our partners or family, from our friends or colleagues. Our love, value and magnificence is already within us, and our Soul is waiting for us to recognise this in ourselves. Difficult days and joyous moments come and go. Life continues to move and transform, and the energy of life is constantly flowing and in motion. We are this energy. When we let go of the struggle and the resistance to this loving energy, we can reconnect with Spirit, and return to being in flow with ourself and the Universe. When we embrace our soul truth, we embrace our magnificence and activate our personal power, so we can free ourselves to be all we can be. When we return to our spiritual nakedness, to a place of inner peace and calm, healing does its' magic within our soul, and in our mind and body. The doors to love and spiritual freedom open for us naturally. When we're in tune with our Soul, we can live as our true self, and make choices that nourish our being. Embracing our true essence means we're doing what we love to do, and our heart and soul sings. Love, peace and wisdom are a natural part of our soul-being. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rebecca Gabrielle, 2024 Spiritual Guidance and Personal Coaching Enquire about Personal Coaching and Spiritual Guidance Discover more about yourself in "Understanding Your True Essence through your Astrological Chart". www.RebeccaGabrielle.com
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October 2024
AuthorRebecca Gabrielle, author of "The Power of Soul Loving - a spiritual guide to love and freedom". Rebecca Gabrielle has been able to see the magnificence and truth of people’s souls from an early age. With a background in psychology, counselling, life-coaching, spiritual development, and energy healing, Rebecca has fine-tuned her psychic and intuitive skills to connect with the Divine to receive and deliver messages of unconditional love. Through her writing, soul-coaching and card readings she assists people to reconnect with their true self so they can experience clarity, peace of mind, joy and passion for doing what they love. |