![]() If we do not know where we are going, then we will be going in that direction - no where! To live a purposeful and meaningful life, we must know where we are headed or how we wish to live in terms of our energy and our soul purpose. The power of consciously deciding on our intention is an important aspect of how we live our life. If we do not set an intention then we are much less likely to live our life in the way we wish it to be. The Hawaiian's live by the principle of IKE, which means, energy flows where attention goes.
If we want more love, abundance and fulfilment in our life, then we must consciously set our focus and energy in this area, and decide what steps we need to take to move in that direction and reach that place within. Then we release all attachment to how this will come to be, and allow Spirit, or the Universe, to work out the 'how' for achieving our dreams and intentions. However, If we want to achieve our dreams and to feel fulfilled, we need to take care of our mind, our body and our spirit. Often what holds us back from realising our Divine potential, is that we have not healed from past wounds. It is necessary to set goals and to know where we are headed in life, however if we are not healed within from past hurts or wounds in our life, then we will discover that our efforts are in vain. The lens from which we see ourself, others and life will be tainted by the pain we carry within our heart, in our mind and in our body. Our ability to discern clearly, and to be honest with ourself will be masked so that we are not living as our true self. Our body will ache from the pain we have held within our closed heart and clouded thoughts, and our choices will be inhibited by past painful experiences. To heal from past wounds in our life, or clear bad feelings or situations, we can set the intention through healing prayer, which is an act of love and compassion for ourself. The Hawaiian prayer - Ho' oponopono is a beautiful clearing and healing prayer of love and forgiveness. When we release from all self-harm, and clear old wounds, we can reach a place of healing and self-love, so that we are free to live as we wish to be, and fulfil our soul-purpose. To forgive oneself is an act of love and a gift of healing. It is also an acknowledgement that how we have treated ourself in our thoughts, beliefs, words or deeds, may have not served us well. The 4 statements of the Ho' oponopono prayer are designed to be chanted from the heart, either out loud or to ourself, in a way that brings peace within. The prayer is to our inner self, to our soul-being. To prepare, give yourself some quiet time, in a quiet place. Breathe slowly and deeply, closing your eyes and relaxing your body. Focus your intention on the issue you would like Spirit to help you resolve. Sometimes it can help set the tone for your loving intention by being in nature or listening to gentle meditative music. When you are ready, say the following 4 phrases for as long as it takes until you find peace and calm within.
Repeat until you feel the expansion of love and compassion within your being. Namaste. Rebecca Gabrielle www.thepowerofsoulloving.com www.livingwithspice,com
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October 2024
AuthorRebecca Gabrielle, author of "The Power of Soul Loving - a spiritual guide to love and freedom". Rebecca Gabrielle has been able to see the magnificence and truth of people’s souls from an early age. With a background in psychology, counselling, life-coaching, spiritual development, and energy healing, Rebecca has fine-tuned her psychic and intuitive skills to connect with the Divine to receive and deliver messages of unconditional love. Through her writing, soul-coaching and card readings she assists people to reconnect with their true self so they can experience clarity, peace of mind, joy and passion for doing what they love. |