![]() Has there been a moment in your life when you’ve realised that you’ve been travelling down a path that just doesn’t feel right? Perhaps you are somewhat happy but life doesn’t feel fulfilling. Have you felt as if your mind is fighting with your inner self? Sometimes the person we appear to be on the outside is disconnected or in conflict with the real person that we feel and believe to be on the inside. Have you ever wondered why? It takes a lot of energy to be in constant conflict with the real you. The ‘person’ you present to the world, the thoughts you have and the things you say and do, don’t line up with the way you feel or who you identify as your true self. Living in this state can create inner turmoil and anxiety that affects your ability to be grounded and emotionally stable; and it can lead to poor physical health as your body tries to cope with the constant tension and increased uncertainty. As a result you end up giving mixed messages about who you really are and what you really want.
It can be challenging living with this struggle, leaving you wondering why all your efforts to be positive and achieve progress in your life always ends up with poor results in either your work, your relationships, your health and even in your finances. The trouble is, what you are thinking and saying to the world is not matching up with how you truly feel and what you believe. Your conscious self does not match up with your unconscious self at an energetic level. Everything in life is made up of energy that is constantly vibrating. As vibrational beings, we are made up of our thoughts, emotions, decisions, beliefs and attitudes. These vibrations emanate from our being, just like the unseen waves of energy from our mobile phones and microwaves. As vibrational beings, we affect everything all the time. Imagine a stone that you throw into a pond - the ripples (or vibrations) that move outward in waves affect the rest of the water in the pond. Our vibrational ingredients make up whom we are, and they have an impact on others like a vibrational symphony. What happens when our vibrational energy is in conflict? When you are in conflict with your self, your conscious thought vibrations wrestle with your unconscious emotional vibrations. One part of you says, “I want to be successful”, and yet the other part of you says, “I don’t deserve to be happy and successful”. Vibrationally you become stuck and the message you are giving the universe, the outside world of your friends, loved ones and work colleagues, becomes confusing and contradictory. When we give out contrary messages and commands, how can the universe respond and give us what we really want? Re-calibrating our vibrations so we can experience success Have you noticed how a person’s energy can 'feel' or appear different to the words that come out of their mouth? When we are in the presence of others, people pick up on our energetic messages. We have a vibrational impact on the people in our life and our world that just can’t be faked or hidden. Someone’s ‘presence’ (or energetic vibration) is more influential and believable than the words they express. If they don’t match up, we are either confused about the message, or unconvinced about their authenticity. You may have noticed how animals will first respond to the the energy of a human or other animal, rather than 'words', to receive information and feedback on their intentions. A person's energy (body language, tonality etc) provides the truth of their intentions and is more reliable than the words that are used to communicate. To be in alignment with who we really are, we need to re-calibrate ourself vibrationally. As energetic beings we are a collection of vibrational waves that pass through our mind and body and radiate out into the world. We are essentially vibrating with everything else in the world, with our thoughts, decisions and feelings. If we want to truly create happiness and success in our life, the world needs to receive a consistent message that is vibrationally in alignment with our authentic self. We need to ensure our conscious vibrations (our thoughts) are energetically the same and in alignment with our unconscious feelings and beliefs. Mastering our Vibrational Energy To achieve success in terms of what we want in life, we need to first master our 'presence' or vibrational energy, before we attempt to master our behaviour. The key is to learn how to vibrate from the highest possible place so we can perform better in our life. When we are vibrating from our true and higher self, we are in alignment and no longer in conflict with our inner self. The universe can now hear our vibrational messages loud and clear, and so our ability to perform or manifest our dreams and goals is now so much easier. When we raise our vibrations to a level that is harmonious and uplifting, we naturally attract similar energy and vibrations. People are drawn to our energy, and the doors of possibility are opened. Mastery of our vibrations begins with releasing or letting go what is not authentic within ourself, so that our conscious thoughts are aligned with how we really feel and what we belief to be true for ourself. With practice and commitment, we can learn to master our vibrations, The aim is to live consciously in every moment, rather than becoming distracted with thoughts of the past or worries about the future. Living consciously means being able to identify what we are ‘seeing’ and what we are ‘feeling’, so that we can then ‘know’ what is true and real for ourself. When we wish to experience change for the better, or real transformation, it can only truly come from within when we are in vibrational alignment, rather than coming from outside of ourself. Dr Barbara De Angelis calls this ‘soul shifts’, shifting from looking for greatness outside of our self, to preparing ourself for greatness from within. Soul Shifts, 2015. When we vibrationally align our beliefs & feelings (unconscious) with our thoughts and actions (conscious), we can achieve success, mastery and happiness in our life. Rebecca Gabrielle
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October 2024
AuthorRebecca Gabrielle, author of "The Power of Soul Loving - a spiritual guide to love and freedom". Rebecca Gabrielle has been able to see the magnificence and truth of people’s souls from an early age. With a background in psychology, counselling, life-coaching, spiritual development, and energy healing, Rebecca has fine-tuned her psychic and intuitive skills to connect with the Divine to receive and deliver messages of unconditional love. Through her writing, soul-coaching and card readings she assists people to reconnect with their true self so they can experience clarity, peace of mind, joy and passion for doing what they love. |