Let's go deeper. So you are ready, you feel it, and it’s time. You know you have important decisions to make and it feels like a struggle. Our decisions matter because they affect ourself, and they have an impact on others. We can chose personal glory or we can choose to make a difference to others. We can choose to be good or evil, kind or uncaring, generous or selfish. Either way, we are free to choose.
Often making a decision means having a divided heart. We can feel the pull between trust and suspicion, between faith and doubt, surrender and control. It can be hard to make a decision because in choosing we are saying ‘no’ to one thing and ‘yes’ to something else. So we find ourself in a dilemma. It’s human nature to avoid loss and the associated pain of what we fear we will lose. If we make a decision based on this fear, we are likely to make an unwise and hasty decision.
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Ouch ..... this could be a little uncomfortable, or not?
As we step into the new year, many of us will reflect on our past choices and re-evaluate how we would like things to be different. Looking back over the past year may not feel so good. It may have fallen short of our expectations, leaving us feeling depleted, confused, and somewhat bruised. What we really want going forward is improvement, and a year that is more aligned with our dreams and aspirations for our future. Self-reflection is important if we are to take stock of where we have been, where we are today, and where we would like to be moving forward. Part of that process is to come to a place of self-acceptance rather than self-criticism. When we are given a choice in life (to go left or right) it can be difficult to know what to choose.
Our mind will fight with our intuition endlessly as a way of protecting ourself from perceived harm or risk. The trouble is, we can be tempted to compromise, and choose what we have always done because it’s easier, more familiar or it may feel less risky than something new. This is only because the road less travelled, the unknown, is a more frightening concept with an unknown outcome. The greatest gift to ourself is to love ourself completely. This means to let go of negative thinking and behaviours that disempower us.
In life we can experience many challenges and we will feel disappointment many times. Rather than look to blaming others for our circumstances, it is a greater gift to commit to our own life, our health, wellbeing and happiness. It’s human nature to want to stay in our comfort zone - which means doing the same thing over and over because it’s easy, familiar and known. As a result we can regularly feel like we are going no-where and experiencing zero progress in our circumstances.
It’s a choice to do the same thing over and over and usually it's because we believe change brings pain. So, we opt for ‘no-change’ in our job, relationships, health, home-life or in our finances. So how do make a change to move forward and experience progress? How can we live as our authentic self so that we are free from self-sabotage and restrictions? Every thought, worry or concern that we hold in our thoughts, we also hold in our body and in our soul. Do this long enough and they form hard and fast beliefs that lock us into a way of being that we firmly believe is the only way and therefore becomes our fate in life.
If those beliefs come from a place of fear, invariably they will set our path in life to be one that will not be altered, and so our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual potential will not be realised. As a result we end up self-sabotaging our ability to grow and be fulfilled. How do we beat the crazies in a month that seems to be filled with frantic activity, unrealistic expectations and heightened emotions? Energetically we are affected by our external world, however we are also greatly influenced by what we think and how we manage our emotions and our physical wellbeing. It's important we remember to take a balanced approach to our health and happiness.
This month many of us will experience the highs and lows of our emotions, and so it's wise to give ourself the time and space to feel what we need to feel without the expectation to act perfectly or as if we have our 'stuff' together! Below are some simple guidelines for looking after your wellbeing so you can beat the crazies and feel better.
Choose to enjoy your time, rather than sweat the small stuff. Life is precious, so walk the path that brings you the most peace. Namaste. ~~~~~~ “The Power of Soul Loving - A Spiritual Guide to Love and Freedom” By Rebecca Gabrielle (Balboa Press, 2019) https://www.thepowerofsoulloving.com/ #wellbeing #powerofthemind #selflove #keepgoing #beyou #spiritualgrowth #createyourlife #mindshift #loveliberates #freedom #gratitude #bekind #livingwithspice #rebeccagabrielle444 We so often make the mistake of over-thinking our life to the point our thoughts can drive us crazy. So how do we eliminate the crazies so that we feel peace within and we can live our life with confidence, purpose and fulfilment?
The key is to realise we are not our mind. Whilst our mind serves to organise our thoughts for action, without connection with our heart, we will tend to make decisions from a place of fear and a desire to limit ourself for our protection. When we connect with our heart, we can see and feel our world through eyes and hands of love. It helps us to understand our purpose in life and our reason for being. However, we cannot live from our heart alone, otherwise we will have no tangible form to manifest our best life. Our physical body, our health and our wellbeing is the gift we have to explore our world and manifest our dreams. When we connect our powerful mind with a heart of love and a healthy, active body, we expand our potential for a focused life of love and fulfilment. Allowing our mind to rule can lead to experiencing extremes in thoughts and behaviours, with an indifference to our soul purpose and our reason for being. However, when we integrate our mind, heart (soul) and our body, we can create balance and synergy through motion. As we move our body, our vibrational frequency is raised with the assistance of naturally occurring chemicals in the body. These feel-good hormones are produced as our body moves and as a result we begin to feel an increase in our physical energy and an uplifted mood. Manage your mind, by utilising your body and connecting with your heart. You will then create peace within, and you'll be better able to live your life with increased confidence, purpose and fulfilment. “The Power of Soul Loving” By Rebecca Gabrielle (Balboa Press, 2019) https://www.thepowerofsoulloving.com/ #mindset #powerofthemind #purpose #spiritualgrowth #createyourlife #mindshift #heartcentred #heartandsoul #creativity #receptivity #personalpower #heartmindbody #fulfilment #innerpeace #mentalhealth #mentalwellbeing #wellbeing #livingwithspice #rebeccagabrielle444 |
October 2024
AuthorRebecca Gabrielle, author of "The Power of Soul Loving - a spiritual guide to love and freedom". Rebecca Gabrielle has been able to see the magnificence and truth of people’s souls from an early age. With a background in psychology, counselling, life-coaching, spiritual development, and energy healing, Rebecca has fine-tuned her psychic and intuitive skills to connect with the Divine to receive and deliver messages of unconditional love. Through her writing, soul-coaching and card readings she assists people to reconnect with their true self so they can experience clarity, peace of mind, joy and passion for doing what they love. |