When inspiration and motivation come from a place of conviction, from our heart and soul, and not just the mind, then change in the way we see ourself and life becomes possible and sustainable for the long term.
At times life can feel challenging, however, as my dear friend has reminded me on many occasions, we have either a choice to sink or swim. We can continue to see ourself as a victim to our circumstances, or believe we are the creator of our life. He often said, “Be the author of your life, the star of your movie”. How big can you dream?
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Several years ago I made the courageous decision to step away from my somewhat normal and seemingly perfect life to acknowledge that I was not really happy. For a long time I had felt a strong calling in the depths of my being to honour my true self and to face my fears. I knew I felt discontentment and conflict within my soul, but I did not have the words or the wisdom to understand why, only the call to question my identity, my purpose and my intentions. I had every reason to feel incredible fear and in-trepidation about moving away from my family, my marriage and all that everyone else knew me to be. I was facing rejection and isolation from those whom I loved. However, the gnawing feeling and sadness within would not go away, and the thought of continuing a life of deception for myself was not a palatable option. And so, I said ‘YES’. Everyone wants to feel and experience love, and for many it is the greatest desire as a human being. So, it's strange to think that we would need courage to love ourself, assuming we have been comfortable so far not loving ourself.
Over the years we can build layers of limiting beliefs and develop self-deprecating habits that can lead to self-judgment, poor thinking and a lack of self-esteem. We can become well practised at giving our love and personal power away, denying the value of ourself, our uniqueness, our talents and our wellbeing. We can begin to believe that we are not good enough, not smart enough, and not deserving of love. Living with this kind of self-perception can close doors of opportunity in our life, moving us away from true love. When we are feeling the most pain and it feels that we are at our lowest point, it is an easy temptation to give up on ourself. It’s often in these moments that we believe the worst of ourself, of others and of our circumstances. This is fear shouting at us, and its grip on our inner being can be crippling if we let it take hold.
If we do not know where we are going, then we will be going in that direction - no where! To live a purposeful and meaningful life, we must know where we are headed or how we wish to live in terms of our energy and our soul purpose. The power of consciously deciding on our intention is an important aspect of how we live our life. If we do not set an intention then we are much less likely to live our life in the way we wish it to be. I am grateful for my life. It may not be perfect, however today is a great day, as any day, to feel so blessed. It’s not because of anything grand. I didn’t win Lotto and I don’t own a Lamborghini. I don’t have a bank account to draw upon to fly around the world, and my life circumstances are not always smooth. However my life is everything it needs to be in this moment. I have love, love in my heart so that I can see my world through eyes of possibility and abundance. I see life before me blooming, breathing, in all its magnificence. I love every person that comes into my life, as each soul offers a gift of their unique and beautiful self. Not perfection - but their authenticity, their experiences and their learnings. It has been through the pain of my own self-induced suffering that I now see what an utter waste of my life it is to live that way. We can choose to see the world and ourself through eyes of judgment, cynicism and fear, which conditions us to only see failure and lack. Or, we can choose to see life through eyes of love, possibility and gratitude. Either way, it’s a choice. It’s not about having rose-tinted glasses. It’s about seeing life as a gift. Every moment, pleasant or not, expected or unexpected, is a gift. I choose the gift of love, because no matter my circumstances, love will gift me with greater wisdom, opportunities to grow, and even more love than I can imagine. Love starts with me, and it is a gift I can give myself any day. What about you? Are you ready to let go of misery and see life differently? Are you ready to choose love? “The Power of Soul Loving” Rebecca Gabrielle Balboa Press, 2019 www.thepowerofsoulloving.com When it feels as though we’ve tried everything and it’s still not working we may be tempted togive up. Take heart, you may benefit from taking a different approach.
Done this ?? Still not working??!! Setting SMART goals is a methodical approach to achieving our dreams. We create timed action steps, we measure the results, and then we change what’s not working. It makes good sense. Feedback if we are improving or not, or if we are moving towards our goals, is important. However it is not the only measure of success or fulfilment in our business, relationships, finance, home life or health. Success and fulfilment require a holistic approach - a balance of energy and focus of: - the mind (mental, logical), - the body (physical / actions / environment) , and - the spirit (our beliefs, co-creating with the Divine, and our soul purpose). Physical: You’ve noticed that what you’ve been doing is not working. You know it’s time to do something different. It’s the same as recognising you’ve been going down the wrong path! |
October 2024
AuthorRebecca Gabrielle, author of "The Power of Soul Loving - a spiritual guide to love and freedom". Rebecca Gabrielle has been able to see the magnificence and truth of people’s souls from an early age. With a background in psychology, counselling, life-coaching, spiritual development, and energy healing, Rebecca has fine-tuned her psychic and intuitive skills to connect with the Divine to receive and deliver messages of unconditional love. Through her writing, soul-coaching and card readings she assists people to reconnect with their true self so they can experience clarity, peace of mind, joy and passion for doing what they love. |